Which version of qt has qml with toucharea support?
"Qt 4.7 have, you will find it here...":http://labs.qt.nokia.com/2011/02/08/a-toucharea-for-qml/
[quote author="ytbryan" date="1310459246"]Hi all
which version of qt has qml with toucharea support? [/quote]
According to "this post":http://labs.qt.nokia.com/2011/02/08/a-toucharea-for-qml/ , its supported in latest Qt 4.7 and toucharea has to be built separately as a QML plugin.
"Example of QML toucharea":http://qt.gitorious.org/qt-labs/qml-toucharea
Hi all,
Thanks for the reply.
But when i run TouchArea.pro in the example but got
:-1: error: [imports\Qt\labs\toucharea\qmltouchareaplugind.dll] Error 1Is there any instruction on how to integrate TouchArea into a current project? I cannot find TouchArea in the latest 4.7.3 thou.
Ok.. Did little bit of RnD and this is how it works.
if you are importing a component as
@import Qt.labs.TouchArea 1.0@You should have dir structure /Qt/labs/TouchArea under dir QtSDK1.1.2\Simulator\Qt\mingw\imports
And /Qt/labs/TouchArea should have your TouchArea dlls and a file named qmldir with below text in it
@plugin qmltouchareaplugin@To get the above effect, do below things
you get the code from http://qt.gitorious.org/qt-labs/qml-toucharea
hen copy project TouchArea in to path "QtSDK1.1.2\Simulator\Qt\mingw\imports\Qt\labs"
import TouchArea\TouchArea.pro in to your QtCreator. In your Projects tab of QtCreator, select the build directory to QtSDK1.1.2\Simulator\Qt\mingw and now build it.
At this point you should qmltouchareaplugind.dll in your QtSDK1.1.2\Simulator\Qt\mingw\imports\Qt\labs\TouchArea
if you have it, then you are ready to start.
Just do
@import Qt.labs.TouchArea 1.0@
and you can start using TouchArea in your project.More information about general process to make a module at at http://doc.qt.nokia.com/4.7-snapshot/qdeclarativemodules.html
Hi Vijay,
Thanks. I got the dll. However, the qtcreator still doesn't recognise "import Qt.labs.TouchArea 1.0"
Can I build and use this on a Desktop? Because it seems to be built for Simulator? I tried to run it on the Desktop Directory but doesn't build well.
Are you running it on Simulator or desktop??
And one more thing.. where is your .dll created. Can you give me the full path of your .dll.
This dll should be under QtSDK1.1.2\Simulator\Qt\mingw\imports\Qt\labs\TouchArea -
ok i found the error
@c:/qtsdk/symbian/sdks/symbian1qt473/mkspecs/symbian-abld/qmake.conf(8): 'option' is not a recognized test function
c:/qtsdk/symbian/sdks/symbian3qt473/mkspecs/symbian-sbsv2/qmake.conf(8): 'option' is not a recognized test function
Type dump of QML plugin in C:/QtSDK/Desktop/Qt/4.7.3/mingw/imports/Qt/labs/toucharea failed.
Processing object QDeclarativeTextInput
Processing property parent
Processing property effect
Processing property parent
Processing property anchors
Processing object QDeclarativeAnchors
Processing property fill
Processing property centerIn
Processing property cursorDelegate
Processing property validator
Processing object QDeclarativeMouseArea
Processing property parent
Processing property effect
Processing property parent
Processing property anchors
Processing property drag
Processing object QDoubleValidator
Processing object QDeclarativeGrid
Processing property parent
Processing property effect
Processing property parent
Processing property anchors
Processing property move
Processing property add.....
Processing property parent
Processing property effect
Processing property parent
Processing property anchors
Processing property move
Processing property add
Processing object QDeclarativeXmlListModel
QDeclarativeComponent: Component is not ready
Could not create "Easing" : "file:///C:/QtSDK/Desktop/Qt/4.7.3/mingw/imports/typeinstance.qml:2 Element is not creatable.
Processing object QDeclarativeRectangle
Processing property parent
Processing property effect
Processing property parent
Processing property anchors
Processing property gradient
Processing property border
Processing object QDeclarativeScriptAction
QDeclarativeComponent: Component is not ready
Could not create "Font" : "file:///C:/QtSDK/Desktop/Qt/4.7.3/mingw/imports/typeinstance.qml:2 Element is not creatable.
Processing object QDeclarativeColorAnimation
Processing property target
Processing object QGraphicsScale
QDeclarativeComponent: Component is not ready
Could not create "Animation" : "file:///C:/QtSDK/Desktop/Qt/4.7.3/mingw/imports/typeinstance.qml:2 Animation is an abstract class
Processing object QDeclarativeListModel
Processing object QDeclarativeFlipable
Processing property parent
Processing property effect
Processing property parent
Processing property anchors
Processing property front
Processing property back
Processing object QDeclarativePackage
Processing object QDeclarativePropertyAnimation
Processing property target
QDeclarativeComponent: Component is not ready
Could not create "Keys" : "file:///C:/QtSDK/Desktop/Qt/4.7.3/mingw/imports/typeinstance.qml:2 Keys is only available via attached properties
Processing object QDeclarativeParallelAnimation
Processing object QDeclarativeColumn
Processing property parent
Processing property effect
Processing property parent
Processing property anchors
Processing property move
Processing property add
Processing object QDeclarativeFontLoader
Processing object QDeclarativePathView
Processing property parent
Processing property effect
Processing property parent
Processing property anchors
Processing property path
Processing property highlight
Processing property highlightItem
Processing property delegate
QDeclarativeComponent: Component is not ready
Could not create "KeyNavigation" : "file:///C:/QtSDK/Desktop/Qt/4.7.3/mingw/imports/typeinstance.qml:2 KeyNavigation is only available via attached properties
Processing object QDeclarativeAnchorAnimation
Processing object QDeclarativeColorAnimation
Processing property target
Processing object QDeclarativeTimer
Processing property parent
Processing object QDeclarativePathPercent
Processing object QDeclarativeRepeater
Processing property parent
Processing property effect
Processing property parent
Processing property anchors
Processing property delegate
QDeclarativeComponent: Component is not ready
"file:///C:/QtSDK/Desktop/Qt/4.7.3/mingw/imports/typelist.qml:2:1: cannot load module "Qt.labs.toucharea": File name case mismatch for "C:/QtSDK/Desktop/Qt/4.7.3/mingw/imports/Qt/labs/toucharea/qmldir""