DelegateModel, cant insert any object elements
Hello all,
i want to filter my model by a property provided also per property. remoteworkstations is a QList<QObject*> with my self definded object. These objects are registered for qml and visible by the debugger. My problem is the items.insert(entry, "test"); has no effect, even if I delete the "if" statement before the insert. Need the model to inherit from abstractmodel or something? Where is my failure?
import QtQuick 2.7 import QtQuick.Controls 2.0 import QtQml.Models 2.2 Item { width: parent.width height: parent.width id: root property var remoteworkstations property string projectname ListView { id: displayListView anchors.fill: parent spacing: 5 model: displayDelegateModel } DelegateModel { id: displayDelegateModel delegate: MainSection{ identifier: Hostname } model: remoteworkstations groups: [ DelegateModelGroup { includeByDefault: false name: "test" } ] filterOnGroup: "test" Component.onCompleted: { var rowCount = remoteworkstations.length; //23 items.remove(0,rowCount); //0 for( var i = 0;i < rowCount;i++ ) { var entry = root.remoteworkstations[i]; //Entry visible in the debugger if(root.projectname === entry.AssignedProject.Projectname) items.insert(entry, "test"); // } console.log(items.count) //always 0 } } }
@masterofeye said in DelegateModel, cant insert any object elements:
Try to build
with dummy js-object.var entry = { prop1: "one", prop2: 2 };
Very important to make object corresponds other content of the model.
The is from the doc:
"Creates a new entry at index in a DelegateModel with the values from data that correspond to roles in the model assigned to DelegateModel::model." -
Thx for answer but i got the same results.
When I try following, before i delete the item listvar entry2 =items.get(0)
I should get the Item from the model. But the entry2 value hasn't any properties attached. I ecpect that i see the same results like in this row.
var entry = root.remoteworkstations[i];
I get what I want now, but the documentation for this not realy intuitive. I think there need's to be more examples, on how to set which property with which value.
Component.onCompleted: { var rowCount = RemoteWorkstations.length; for( var i = 0;i < rowCount;i++ ) { if( items.get(i).model.modelData.AssignedProject.Projectname === projectname) { items.get(i).inTest = true } } }