How to load a c++ treeModel in QML TreeView dynamicaly
Hello guys ! I just started to deal with QML and I have been kind of stuck with qml treeViews.
Here is what I have :
I have a working treeModel in C++ ( with the QAbstractItemModel class )
I have this line in the main.cpp wich ,I assume, allow my qml file to find it :
Than I construct my treeView with :
TreeView { id : treeView anchors.fill: parent model : currentTreeModel; TableViewColumn { role: "role" title: "title" } }
It's working good and I get a nice treeView
Here is the problem :
I want my model to be rebuilt each time the user pick a new kind of data and I have no clue how to do so ...
What I have tried :
I have tried to make a function that return me a treeModel and make something like
TreeView { id : treeView anchors.fill: parent //////////////////////////////////// model : getModel(); //////////////////////////////////// TableViewColumn { role: "role" title: "title" } }
with a c++ function like that :
Q_INVOKABLE TreeModel getModel() { . . . . . . . . . return newTreeModel; }
but it won't compile because a model cannot be copied
Do someone know how to deal with it or at least have any clue ?
Is it somehow possible to "redeclare" to the engine a new model ?Thank you for helping
are the models similiar regarding their structure?
Basically it's simply enough to reset the model and fill it with new data. -
@buckTarle said in How to load a c++ treeModel in QML TreeView dynamicaly:
They should be quite similar in fact all item are based on the same C structure so they have the same roles.
yes that was what i meant.
Then simply update your model by doing the following and your qml view also updates:void MyModel::refreshData() { this->beginResetModel(); // remove old data and re-initialize new data here this->endResetModel(); }
ok so i finaly got it to work with tons of tries !
I implemented the refreshData() method but I have had hard time figuring out how to pass the data needed for the new model.
I end up declaring the TreeModel as a static atribute using a static member of another class I use in my project. The other class is Registered in the main.cpp like that :
qmlRegisterType<MyClass>("com.myself", 1, 0, "MyClass");
class MyClass : public QObject { Q_OBJECT public Q_INVOKABLE void reloadModel(); Q_INVOKABLE TreeModel* getModel(); private : static TreeModel* m_currentModel;
The first call to the model will allocate one and than I am sure to get the same pointer every time I want to modify data in it.
I'm not sure this is the cleanest way to go but It's working for now !
Thank for helping raven-worx
@buckTarle said in How to load a c++ treeModel in QML TreeView dynamicaly:
I'm not sure this is the cleanest way to go but It's working for now !
yes, thats actually perfect for shared models.