Statically built plugin could not load by engine on qmldir declare in Qt 5.8 rc
Briefly speaking, lets see a code snippet:
I build a plugin named
statically, and importMyQMLPlugin
using the following statement:Q_IMPORT_PLUGIN( MyQMLPlugin )
What if the QML environment recognize my imported types? This is a question, in my approach, I do the following:
#define QUICK_MODULE_INTIALIZE( PLUGIN, engine, uri ) \ qobject_cast<QQmlExtensionPlugin*>( qt_static_plugin_##PLUGIN().instance( ) ) \ ->registerTypes( uri ); \ qobject_cast<QQmlExtensionPlugin*>( qt_static_plugin_##PLUGIN().instance( ) ) \ ->initializeEngine( engine, uri ); QUICK_MODULE_INTIALIZE( MyQMLPlugin, engine, "QtDream.MyQML" );
All that be done within
function after QApplication construction before QQmlApplicationEngine's construction.Next, is qmldir still necessary? A question left it for everyone, but I import the qmldir in resource path instead of an file path.
In qmldir file, I write:module QtDream.MyQML plugin MyQMLPlugin classname MyQMLPlugin typeinfo MyQMLPlugin.qmltypes
There is an inconsistency between Qt 5.7.1 and Qt 5.8.0-rc: as there is no so/dll/dylib file in filesystem named "MyQMLPlugin", The engine fails to find with a error:
module "QtDream.MyQML" plugin "MyQMLPlugin" not found
, which is absurd because MyQMLPlugin class is imported previousely, before QQmlApplicationEngine's construction. in Qt 5.7.1 it does not produce this error, only ignore theplugin MyQMLPlugin
statement.My question is, is it a bug in Qt 5.8.0-rc or by intention? if is it by intention, how could I do with it elegantly?
did you read this? -
@raven-worx Yes, I've read. Finally, I come up with a a hack to resolve this problem.