Different Context Menu for QGraphicsObject in QGraphicsScene
In creating a graphical editor, I have reimplemented QGraphicsScene. Part of this includes the definition of a context menu by reimplementing QGraphicsScene::contextMenuEvent(QGraphicsSceneContextMenuEvent *). The code looks like this:
void MyScene::contextMenuEvent(QGraphicsSceneContextMenuEvent *Event) { // Create QActions // Connect signals QMenu *Menu = new QMenu; // Add actions to menu Menu->popup(Event->screenPos()); Event->accept(); }
I also created a subclass of QGraphicsObject for drawing my graphics item. For this graphics item, I also want to have a context menu, but a different one. And I defined it by reimplementing QGraphicsObject::contextMenuEvent(QGraphicsSceneContextMenuEvent *). That code looks as follows
void MyItem::contextMenuEvent(QGraphicsSceneContextMenuEvent *Event) { // Create QActions // Connect Signals QMenu *Menu = new QMenu; // Add actions to menu Menu->popup(Event->screenPos()); Event->accept(); }
Unfortunately, the context menu of MyItem does not show up when I right-click on the item in the scene. Instead it still shows the context menu of the scene. Any idea on how I can get the context menu of MyItem when I right-click on the item while having the scene context menu when right-clicking anywhere else?
There was a mail sent to the interest mailing list mentioning this.
You should check the provided workaround.
Hope it helps
Great, this helped me to make it work. However, I do have another question now as I originally reimplemented QGraphicsScene instead of QGraphicsView. This solution assumes reimplementation of QGraphicsView. What is generally the best approach / the difference between the two approaches?
The scene can be shared between several views which might not all be concerned by that menu.