Regarding MongoDB with Qt
I wanted to work with mongodb, i dont know how to use with Qt please help me with some example programs if you have worked with this.
You should tell Qt version and platform.Did you install mongodb driver etc?`
Update: be able to see some code there.
Also -
If you find a good tutorial , please come back and link it here.
All i can find is very old and not very clear. -
Hi @mrjj ..
Thanks for your reply
i am using Qt 5.7 version and Linux platform, can you please tell me what are all the steps i need to follow to work with mongodb...
I have not installed any driver... please suggest me all steps form beginning...Thanks.
Sadly there seems not to exists any step by step.
It is a pure c++ interface and it will not be super easy to use from Qt.
Its not directly supported. It must be mondodb ? mysql wont do ?You will need to use the MongoDB C++ driver within your Qt application. You
can find instructions on how to download, build, and use the MongoDBC++Driver here:
Then i would check out prepared to spend some time reading the docs.
Also its a server. So it has its demon running and such things to work. I assume you will only
program the client and the server is already running ? -
I know this is an old topic but if it can help some people : QxOrm library now supports MongoDB database.
Here is a link to the documentation :