TabView switching position
QML and Qt Quick
I am doing a form with QML Controls 2. In this form, there are 3 tabs. I did these tabs with TabView, TabButton and StackLayout.
It works well except for one thing: when I click on the tabs, the tab order changes and I want them to remain fixed.
For instance the tabs are a,b,c. If I click on b, they become b,c,a. I didn't find any option for the tabs to remain fixed.Thank you very much,
TabBar { id: bar width: (configwindow.width) TabButton { text: qsTr("a") width: (configwindow.width)*0.3 } TabButton { text: qsTr("b") width: (configwindow.width)*0.3 } TabButton { text: qsTr("c") width: (configwindow.width)*0.3 } } StackLayout { width: parent.width currentIndex: bar.currentIndex Item { id: homeTab } Item { id: discoverTab } Item { id: activityTab } }
what version of Qt are you using exactly? 5.7.0, 5.7.1 or 5.8 RC?
If thats really all the code you are using, it sounds like a bug to me.