Work with json format
General and Desktop
I assumed you know json and seen the docs?
So you know we got array and objects ?
Those map directly to QJsonArray and QJsonObject
So to use it we construct class and set properties and add to lists.
Your samle is
An Array with 2 objects.
So this is how it works as mini sample.
Note that for production code, you need more error checking. :)#include <QJsonObject> #include <QJsonArray> #include <QJsonDocument> #include <QDebug> #include <QFile> QJsonDocument loadJson(QString fileName) { QFile jsonFile(fileName);; // error checking! return QJsonDocument().fromJson(jsonFile.readAll()); } void saveJson(QJsonDocument document, QString fileName) { QFile jsonFile(fileName);; // error checking! jsonFile.write(document.toJson()); } // helper function to create a Person JSON Object QJsonObject Person(QString Name, QString Phone ) { QJsonObject p; p["name"] = Name; p["phonenumber"] = Phone; return p; } void testCreateJSON() { // the first element in a json file must be Object or Array. Called the root. QJsonArray root; // we use array as ur sample has array as "root" // now add some object to the list. the << adds to the list. you can also use append. root << Person("bob", "12121212") << Person("lisa", "9022020202"); // now make a document and add the root object to it. Note that this is by copy and hence we do it last! QJsonDocument doc(root); // save it to file. Change path. saveJson(doc, "e:/test.json"); // show qDebug() << doc.toJson(); } void testReadJSON() { // make a doc QJsonDocument doc; // read it doc = loadJson("e:/test.json"); // now we need to parse it. It can start with Object or array. // we know we start with array so we consider it error if object. ( in this case) // if( ! doc.isArray() ) { qDebug() << "File starts with object!" ; return; } // get the root array into arrayobj QJsonArray rootArray = doc.array(); // loop over array for(const QJsonValue& val : rootArray) { // everything in list and properties is QJsonValue and u must converto to right type // we have objects in list QJsonObject loopObj = val.toObject(); // it could also be toInt etc for other types than string qDebug() << loopObj["name"].toString(); qDebug() << loopObj["phonenumber"].toString(); } }