No valid kit found on Windows+ QT4
Re: "No valid kits found." WTF does it want now?
I am using QT Creator 4.2.0 on Windows 10. I CANNOT move up to QT 5, because I need to match my Linux system which does not support QT5 (CentOS 6.6 on an IBM mainframe which does not support a CentOS upgrade). SO I need to get some details on what libraries to install and where to get them, so I can have a valid kit. -
No Valid kit means the Creator didnt see a compiler that it could use.
Did you try
qt-win-opensource-4.2.0-mingw.exe ? -
Ok in that case ,
you need to build all of Qt with VS 2013 or 15.
There is no official installer for such old Qt version and very new-ish compiler.
At least i didn't see it.
So something like
Note its VS 2010 and not 13/15 so mind the paths!After you compiled Qt. Then add as kit -
Yes the
qt-win-opensource-4.2.0-mingw.exe ?
should contain all that is needed.
Did Not try such old version though ;)