QML - ListModel
Hi! I've been trying to use mouseArea in ListElement and have been failing miserably. Is it even possible? Thanks!
I can't do it. I think I'm doing it wrong. :(
You can not have a MouseArea inside your ListElement. The only way you should do it is inside the delegate item.
When you say you can not do it..
- You can not add MouseArea inside ListElement ??? or
- You can not add MouseArea inside your delegate???
[quote author="Vijay Bhaska Reddy" date="1309622310"]You can not have a MouseArea inside your ListElement. The only way you should do it is inside the delegate item.[/quote]
Can you give me an example? :D
@ import QtQuick 1.0
ListModel {
id: myListModel
ListElement {
name: "Bill Smith"
number: "555 3264"
ListElement {
name: "John Brown"
number: "555 8426"
ListElement {
name: "Sam Wise"
number: "555 0473"
}import QtQuick 1.0
ListView {
width: 180; height: 200model: myListModel delegate: Text { text: name + ": " + number MouseArea { /// add your mouse area code here... } }
[quote author="Vijay Bhaska Reddy" date="1309622586"]@ import QtQuick 1.0
ListModel {
id: myListModel
ListElement {
name: "Bill Smith"
number: "555 3264"
ListElement {
name: "John Brown"
number: "555 8426"
ListElement {
name: "Sam Wise"
number: "555 0473"
}import QtQuick 1.0
ListView {
width: 180; height: 200model: myListModel delegate: Text { text: name + ": " + number MouseArea { /// add your mouse area code here... } }
Damn, I still can't get it .
I even tried editing this http://projects.developer.nokia.com/QMLTemplates/wiki/WikiStart#accordionlist I need to study more I guess. :(