Split QStatusBar and choose where to display QStatusTips
General and Desktop
I'm wondering how to split the QStatusBar in my QMainWindow into two equal parts and to subsequently show QStatusTips in either the left or the right part.
Perhaps this approach is a step in the right direction —
1.) Create two QLabels*,
labelStatusTip = new QLabel(""); labelGeneralInfo = new QLabel("Initial text");
2.) Add them to the QStatusBar, setting
results in two equal parts (same widths)ui->statusBar->addPermanentWidget(labelStatusTip, 1); ui->statusBar->addPermanentWidget(labelGeneralInfo, 1);
3.) Now, how do I set the text of labelStatusTip to the actual QStatusTips? Do I have to define a custom QStatusBar and override the
slots (see http://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qstatusbar.html)?