Help with this error?
General and Desktop
I someone can explain me about these errors?
msvcprtd.lib(MSVCP120D.dll):-1: error: LNK2005: ya se definió "char const * __cdecl std::_Winerror_map(int)" (?_Winerror_map@std@@YAPBDH@Z) en libcpmtd.lib(syserror.obj)
In all messages show me this:
File not found msvcprtd.lib -
# ------------------------------------------------- # Project created by QtCreator 2010-05-30T21:33:58 # ------------------------------------------------- CONFIG += static QT += network xml TARGET = cliente QT+=widgets LIBS += -lqxmpp0 -LC:/Users/moh/Desktop/build-qxmpp-Desktop_Qt_5_7_0_MSVC2013_32bit-Release/src INCLUDEPATH += "C:\Users\moh\Desktop\qxmpp-master\src\base" INCLUDEPATH += "C:\Users\moh\Desktop\qxmpp-master\src\client" INCLUDEPATH += "C:\Users\moh\Desktop\qxmpp-master\src\server" SOURCES += main.cpp \ mainwindow.cpp \ ventanaarchivos.cpp \ ventanaescritorio.cpp \ ventanaopciones.cpp \ ventanawebcam.cpp \ ventanaopcionesxmpp.cpp HEADERS += mainwindow.h \ ventanaarchivos.h \ ventanaescritorio.h \ ventanaopciones.h \ ventanawebcam.h \ ventanaopcionesxmpp.h FORMS += Forms/mainwindow.ui \ Forms/ventanaArchivos.ui \ Forms/ventanaescritorio.ui \ Forms/ventanaopciones.ui \ Forms/ventanawebcam.ui \ Forms/ventanaopcionesxmpp.ui win32 { win32-mingw32:QMAKE_LFLAGS += -static-libgcc win32-msvc2010:LIBS += -lqjpeg QTPLUGIN += qjpeg RC_FILE = demonio.rc } TRANSLATIONS = cliente_en.ts \ cliente_de.ts \ cliente_fr.ts \ cliente_it.ts \ cliente_pt.ts RESOURCES = resources.qrc
win32-msvc2010:LIBS += -lqjpeg
is useless, you can remove it,QTPLUGIN
does the job for youWhat compiler are you using to compile the project? I ask because
LIBS += -lqxmpp0 -LC:/Users/moh/Desktop/build-qxmpp-Desktop_Qt_5_7_0_MSVC2013_32bit-Release/src
obviously works only for MSVC2013 32bit