Voice recording encoding problem
Mobile and Embedded
@NickV You should tell how you are recording.
If you use QAudioRecorder then take a look at its documentation: http://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qaudiorecorder.html
Did you try to set codec via QAudioEncoderSettings?
There is even an example how to do it:recorder = new QMediaRecorder(camera); QAudioEncoderSettings audioSettings; audioSettings.setCodec("audio/amr"); audioSettings.setQuality(QMultimedia::HighQuality); recorder->setAudioSettings(audioSettings); recorder->setOutputLocation(QUrl::fromLocalFile(fileName)); recorder->record();
You've already asked this question:
Audio recordingDepending on what device you are using to record the audio, you may be limited to your available codecs. AFAIK, Qt does not provide codecs, just an interface to access them. You'd have to encode in a format native to your hardware and convert after the fact, or find a third-party codec you can integrate with your application and post-process the recorded audio after the fact.