Buffer form modifications before commiting them to the model
I want to edit some object in a form that have an ok and a cancel button. I have a QObject with property exposed to the QML (name, surname, ...) and this QObject has a reference to a Person object.
What I have at first is something like that :Q_PROPERTY (QString name READ getName WRITE setName NOTIFY nameChanged) QString PersonViewModel::getName () const { return person->getName(); } void PersonViewModel::setName (QString i_value) { person->set_name(i_value); emit nameChanged(i_value); }
The issue is that I want to be able to rollback all the modifications made on the form if I click on the cancel button and I want to call the person->setName() only after the user clicks on the ok button.
I thought of overriding the setProperty method to store all the modification in a map and return the value stored in the map like thatQString PersonViewModel::getName () const { if(map.contains("name") { return map.value("name"); } else { return person->getName(); } } void PersonViewModel::setName (QString i_value) { map.insert("name", i_value); } void PersonViewModel::commitChanges() { if(map.contains("name") { person->set_name(map.value("name"); emit nameChanged(i_value); } map.clear(); }
Is it ok or is there a more desirable way of doing it with QT ?
The usual way to do this is to put the editor in a QDialog, call QDialog::exec() and check if it returns QDialog::Accepted (i.e. ok was clicked)
if you need modeless processing you can create the dialog (without binding the properties) and then call setName in a slot connected to the accepted() signal.If you show your "form" code and how you call it we can be more specific