A few big questions about splitter windows
My first question is... why won't this code work?
@#include <QApplication>
#include <QSplitter>
#include <QListView>
#include <QTreeView>
#include <QTextEdit>int main(int argc, char *argv[])
QApplication app(argc, argv);QSplitter *splitter = new QSplitter; QListView *listview = new QListView; QTreeView *treeview = new QTreeView; QTextEdit *textedit = new QTextEdit; splitter->addWidget(listview); splitter->addWidget(treeview); splitter->addWidget(textedit); return app.exec();
@It compiles with no errors, but when I run it nothing shows up. Do I need to initialize the parent parameter, and if so to what? Forgive me as I'm rather new to Qt programming.
And antoher question, how do I use QSplitterHandle, and how is it implemented differently from QSplitter? -
About your second question, let me quote the "documentation":http://doc.qt.nokia.com/4.7/qsplitterhandle.html#details
The QSplitterHandle class provides handle functionality of the splitter.QSplitterHandle is typically what people think about when they think about a splitter. It is the handle that is used to resize the widgets.
A typical developer using QSplitter will never have to worry about QSplitterHandle. It is provided for developers who want splitter handles that provide extra features, such as popup menus.
[/quote] -
I apologize about the splitterhandle question, they just slip through sometimes I guess. xD I'll look more carefully next time.
The show function worked by the way, thanks! I do have another question though, is there a standard way to create a type of "quad splitter" (or splitter that has both horizontal and vertical properties)? One thing that comes to mind is I could have 2 horizontal child splitters, each with two, say, opengl viewports, and then I would add these splitters to a vertical parent splitter. But is there a more standard way to do this that Qt already has implemented?
EDIT: I've tried implementing the splitter in the way I described. The horizontal bar works correctly, but the vertical one acts like two separite bars. So that won't really work the way I thought.
A probable idea for such a construst you want to make, I think, is to make a QTableView, where each cell represented by a QWidget - this done by reimplementing QItemDelegate's all virtual functions.
But it is a rather complicated way :)
The other way I see is to reimplement QSplitter in a very simple way - add a slot, that just calls moveSplitter ( int pos, int index ) (it is a protected function). Then, you just connect splitterMoved( int pos, int index ) signal to new slot of other splitter for both your separate bars in example above. The only problem I see here is a probable infinite loop, if there is no protection in moveSplitter( int pos, int index ) (no checking for equality of new and old pos)