qdbus org.onboard.Onboard /org/onboard/Onboard/Keyboard org.onboard.Onboard.Keyboard.Show
I must reply these command using QtDBus:
qdbus org.onboard.Onboard /org/onboard/Onboard/Keyboard org.onboard.Onboard.Keyboard.Show
I try to use these voit witouth succes ... for shure because I have no experience with dbus ....
void MainWindow::openKeyboard() { QDBusConnection::sessionBus().connect("org.onboard.Onboard", "/org/onboard/Onboard/Keyboard" ,"org.onboard.Onboard.Keyboard"); QDBusMessage msg = QDBusMessage::createSignal("org.onboard.Onboard", "/org/onboard/Onboard/Keyboard" ,"org.onboard.Onboard.Keyboard.Show"); QDBusConnection::sessionBus().send(msg); }
I need some help or good totorial link to make these ... I not really understand qt example ....
My first problem: org.onboard.Onboard is the service or the right service is: org.freedesktop.DBus.ObjectManagerregards
Giorgio -
@gfxx I have modified the old onboard_qt_4 into onbhoard_qt_5 vith some trivial modyfications .... it works ... but the method "Visible" is calling by other service and method ( org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties.Get ) ... so these part not work at all .... onboard service is an user service so is registered only after it exist ... so autorun works only aftere QProcess "onboard" call ...