High level wrapper around QNetworkAccessManager for make network communications easy.
Hi guys! We publish our small library for simplify interacting with web for Qt.
For example you can load web-page like this:
const QByteArray data = NetworkRequestLoader::loadSync("https://github.com");
Or like this
NetworkRequestLoader::loadAsync("https://github.com", [] (const QByteArray& _loadedData) { qDebug() << "Loaded" << _loadedData.size() << "bytes."; });
Want to send POST request? It's easy!
NetworkRequest request; requset.setRequestMethod(NetworkRequest::Post); request.addRequestAttribute("id", 1893); request.addRequestAttributeFile("photo", "/home/user/Images/photo.png"); const QByteArray postStatus = request.loadSync("https://site.com/API/v1/savePhoto/");
Github link https://github.com/dimkanovikov/WebLoader
We hope, it will be useful. If you have some questions, we ready to give answers for you.
Hi, thanks for sharing.
I have a question and a suggestion.
The question is - does this preserve sessions? If I make a login request and then some resource request for that session will it work? I guess it's really a question of do you use a single QNetworkAccessManager for all requests or change them underneath. If one then it would be nice to get access to it somehow or set my own if I already have one for other purposes.
There's also this example:
foreach (const QString& url, thousandsUrls) { NetworkRequestLoader::loadAsync(url, [] (const QByteArray& _loadedData, const QUrl& _fromUrl) { qDebug() << "Loaded" << _loadedData.size() << "bytes from" << _fromUrl; }); }
This has a downside that it creates thousands of instances of that lambda object. If the lambda used some heavy state capture this can become a problem. Of course I could do
auto someLambda = [] (const QByteArray& _loadedData, const QUrl& _fromUrl) { qDebug() << "Loaded" << _loadedData.size() << "bytes from" << _fromUrl; } foreach (const QString& url, thousandsUrls) { NetworkRequestLoader::loadAsync(url, someLambda); }
but it's not as pretty and it could be usefull to add an overload that would simply let me pass a container of urls and do the loop for me:
NetworkRequestLoader::loadAsync(thousandsUrls, [] (const QByteArray& _loadedData, const QUrl& _fromUrl) { qDebug() << "Loaded" << _loadedData.size() << "bytes from" << _fromUrl; });
@Chris-Kawa big thanks for you answer and suggestion!
For save session across requests you can use instance of QNetworkCookieJar class, like this:
QNetworkCookieJar cookies; NetworkRequest request; request.setCookieJar(&cookies); request.loadSync("https://site.com/API/v1/startSession"); // And in next step you can reuse this request or create new NetworkRequest and sent cookies to them request.loadSync("https://site.com/API/v1/uploadImage");
Thanks for suggestion again. We added patch which allow you to use overloaded method and pass a container of links to load!:)