QPushButton Animation Hoverables
@raven-worx said in QPushButton Animation Hoverables:
class MyPushButton : public QPushButton { Q_OBJECT Q_PROPERTY( QColor BackgroundColor READ backgroundColor WRITE setBackgroundColor DESIGNABLE true ) public: MyPushButton( QWidget* parent ) : QPushButton( parent ) { m_Animation = QPropertyAnimation(this, "BackgroundColor"); m_Animation.setDuration( 1000 ); m_Animation.setEasingCurve( QEasingCurve::OutQuad ); } .... QColor backgroundColor() const { QPalette pal = this->palette(); return pal.color( QPalette::Button ); //may also be QPalette::Base or QPalette::Window } void setBackgroundColor( const QColor & color ) { QPalette pal = this->palette(); pal.setColor( QPalette::Button ) this->setPalette( pal ); this->update(); } protected: virtual void enterEvent(QEvent * event) { QPushButton::enterEvent(event); if( m_Animation.state() == QAbstractAnimation::Running ) m_Aniamtion.stop(); m_Animation.setEndValue( Qt::red ); m_Animation.start(); } virtual void leaveEvent( QEvent* event ) { QPushButton::leaveEvent(event); if( m_Animation.state() == QAbstractAnimation::Running ) m_Aniamtion.stop(); m_Animation.setEndValue( Qt::transparent ); m_Animation.start(); } QPropertyAnimation m_Animation; };
i haven't tested it, just written it down straight from my head, so excuse me if it isn't working immediately. But it should give you an idea.
Thanks for your feedback !!
I go test now ! :) -
@John_38 said in QPushButton Animation Hoverables:
@raven-worx said in QPushButton Animation Hoverables:
class MyPushButton : public QPushButton { Q_OBJECT Q_PROPERTY( QColor BackgroundColor READ backgroundColor WRITE setBackgroundColor DESIGNABLE true ) public: MyPushButton( QWidget* parent ) : QPushButton( parent ) { m_Animation = QPropertyAnimation(this, "BackgroundColor"); m_Animation.setDuration( 1000 ); m_Animation.setEasingCurve( QEasingCurve::OutQuad ); } .... QColor backgroundColor() const { QPalette pal = this->palette(); return pal.color( QPalette::Button ); //may also be QPalette::Base or QPalette::Window } void setBackgroundColor( const QColor & color ) { QPalette pal = this->palette(); pal.setColor( QPalette::Button ) this->setPalette( pal ); this->update(); } protected: virtual void enterEvent(QEvent * event) { QPushButton::enterEvent(event); if( m_Animation.state() == QAbstractAnimation::Running ) m_Aniamtion.stop(); m_Animation.setEndValue( Qt::red ); m_Animation.start(); } virtual void leaveEvent( QEvent* event ) { QPushButton::leaveEvent(event); if( m_Animation.state() == QAbstractAnimation::Running ) m_Aniamtion.stop(); m_Animation.setEndValue( Qt::transparent ); m_Animation.start(); } QPropertyAnimation m_Animation; };
i haven't tested it, just written it down straight from my head, so excuse me if it isn't working immediately. But it should give you an idea.
Thanks for your feedback !!
I go test now ! :)@raven-worx said in QPushButton Animation Hoverables:
class MyPushButton : public QPushButton { Q_OBJECT Q_PROPERTY( QColor BackgroundColor READ backgroundColor WRITE setBackgroundColor DESIGNABLE true ) public: MyPushButton( QWidget* parent ) : QPushButton( parent ) { m_Animation = QPropertyAnimation(this, "BackgroundColor"); m_Animation.setDuration( 1000 ); m_Animation.setEasingCurve( QEasingCurve::OutQuad ); } .... QColor backgroundColor() const { QPalette pal = this->palette(); return pal.color( QPalette::Button ); //may also be QPalette::Base or QPalette::Window } void setBackgroundColor( const QColor & color ) { QPalette pal = this->palette(); pal.setColor( QPalette::Button ) this->setPalette( pal ); this->update(); } protected: virtual void enterEvent(QEvent * event) { QPushButton::enterEvent(event); if( m_Animation.state() == QAbstractAnimation::Running ) m_Aniamtion.stop(); m_Animation.setEndValue( Qt::red ); m_Animation.start(); } virtual void leaveEvent( QEvent* event ) { QPushButton::leaveEvent(event); if( m_Animation.state() == QAbstractAnimation::Running ) m_Aniamtion.stop(); m_Animation.setEndValue( Qt::transparent ); m_Animation.start(); } QPropertyAnimation m_Animation; };
i haven't tested it, just written it down straight from my head, so excuse me if it isn't working immediately. But it should give you an idea.
First line I have an error.
You know why ?
http://prntscr.com/ca8wmk -
the error message says it pretty clearly: you are missing the property's getter and setter methods.
You need to copy the whole code i've posted. -
@raven-worx said in QPushButton Animation Hoverables:
the error message says it pretty clearly: you are missing the property's getter and setter methods.
You need to copy the whole code i've posted.Now i have renamed my class on : MyPushButton and paste all your code.
Screenshot: http://prntscr.com/ca8zfc -
Now I have only 7 errors.
Screenshot: http://prntscr.com/ca9686
Can you help me ?
Thank !John
ok...various stuff didn't work out as i though. Here is the working (tested) code:class MyPushButton : public QPushButton { Q_OBJECT Q_PROPERTY( QColor BackgroundColor READ backgroundColor WRITE setBackgroundColor DESIGNABLE true ) public: MyPushButton( QWidget* parent = 0 ) : QPushButton( parent ) { this->setText("Text"); m_Animation = new QPropertyAnimation(this, "BackgroundColor", this); m_Animation->setDuration( 500 ); m_Animation->setEasingCurve( QEasingCurve::OutQuad ); m_BackgroundColor = Qt::transparent; this->setBackgroundColor( Qt::white ); //initial color } QColor backgroundColor() const { return m_BackgroundColor; } void setBackgroundColor( const QColor & color ) { if( m_BackgroundColor != color ) { m_BackgroundColor = color; this->setStyleSheet( QString("MyPushButton { border: 1px solid black; background-color: %1; }").arg(color.name()) ); } } protected: virtual void enterEvent( QEvent * event ) { QPushButton::enterEvent(event); if( m_Animation->state() == QAbstractAnimation::Running ) m_Animation->stop(); m_Animation->setEndValue( QColor(Qt::red) ); m_Animation->start(); } virtual void leaveEvent( QEvent* event ) { QPushButton::leaveEvent(event); QVariant currentColor = m_Animation->currentValue(); if( m_Animation->state() == QAbstractAnimation::Running ) m_Animation->stop(); m_Animation->setEndValue( QColor(Qt::white) ); m_Animation->start(); } QPropertyAnimation* m_Animation; QColor m_BackgroundColor; };
@raven-worx said in QPushButton Animation Hoverables:
ok...various stuff didn't work out as i though. Here is the working (tested) code:class MyPushButton : public QPushButton { Q_OBJECT Q_PROPERTY( QColor BackgroundColor READ backgroundColor WRITE setBackgroundColor DESIGNABLE true ) public: MyPushButton( QWidget* parent = 0 ) : QPushButton( parent ) { this->setText("Text"); m_Animation = new QPropertyAnimation(this, "BackgroundColor", this); m_Animation->setDuration( 500 ); m_Animation->setEasingCurve( QEasingCurve::OutQuad ); m_BackgroundColor = Qt::transparent; this->setBackgroundColor( Qt::white ); //initial color } QColor backgroundColor() const { return m_BackgroundColor; } void setBackgroundColor( const QColor & color ) { if( m_BackgroundColor != color ) { m_BackgroundColor = color; this->setStyleSheet( QString("MyPushButton { border: 1px solid black; background-color: %1; }").arg(color.name()) ); } } protected: virtual void enterEvent( QEvent * event ) { QPushButton::enterEvent(event); if( m_Animation->state() == QAbstractAnimation::Running ) m_Animation->stop(); m_Animation->setEndValue( QColor(Qt::red) ); m_Animation->start(); } virtual void leaveEvent( QEvent* event ) { QPushButton::leaveEvent(event); QVariant currentColor = m_Animation->currentValue(); if( m_Animation->state() == QAbstractAnimation::Running ) m_Animation->stop(); m_Animation->setEndValue( QColor(Qt::white) ); m_Animation->start(); } QPropertyAnimation* m_Animation; QColor m_BackgroundColor; };
Thank for your answer.
I have promote my button and rename object name but after compiling I have an error...
http://prntscr.com/ca9e7r -
for some reason the compiler doesn't know the type.
Are you missing the include? -
@raven-worx I have make it... Didn't work..
probably it's also not good to name the button (variable) the same as it's type. -
@raven-worx said in QPushButton Animation Hoverables:
probably it's also not good to name the button (variable) the same as it's type.Problem fixed !
It work !!
Thank man !!!!!! -
@raven-worx Hi, today I want test for text color of QPushButton.
But it didn't work..
Can you give me code or modifications for text ? Thank ! :-)