DropArea signals seem wonky. Entered, exited, dropped aren't when I expect.
QML and Qt Quick
The Entered, exited, and dropped signals aren't being emitted when I would expect them to be. I've created a DropZone thusly:
import QtQuick 2.7 DropArea { id: dropArea height: 120; width: 120 onEntered: console.log("enter") onExited: console.log("exit") onDropped: console.log("drop") Rectangle { id: rect anchors.fill: parent color: "grey" border.color: "black" border.width: 4 } }
When I drag an item over this I get no signal. When I drop it the first time I get no signal. However - if I move it around within the DropZone (without dragging it out) i will get both signals.
Subsequently, when I drag the item out and drop it somewhere else the DropZone emits entered and Dropped again one last time. I never get Exited.
Is this the expected behavior?