WebKit wigdet in Qt Creator
I am trying to do a simple web kit app using Qt Creator, but I can not find QWebKit widget from the forms editor menus. I think it should be under Display Widgets separator? I have Mac OS X version of QT Creator, Qt Creator 2.0.0, Based on Qt 4.7.0 (64 bit), Built on Jun 18 2010 at 11:02:11, From revision 1c0f52a091.
-- Jari
Yes, but how to create this in Qt Creator .ui form? I can do it in code only but it would be cool to design your forms graphically. At least in my QT Creator there is no such item as QWebView (there is for example Graphics View i.e QGraphicsView widget available...).
-- Jari
jarim: Which version of Qt are you using and how did you build it? Do you have webkit support enabled?
I downloaded the latest build from qt.nokia.com for Mac OSX. It is
Qt Creator 2.0.0
Based on Qt 4.7.0 (64 bit)Built on Jun 18 2010 at 11:02:11
From revision 1c0f52a091
Copyright 2008-2010 Nokia Corporation. All rights reserved.
WebKit applications can be build by writing all the code by hand. Only the ui forms does not have the WebView widget.
-- Jari
I see you already filed a "bugreport":http://bugreports.qt.nokia.com/browse/QTCREATORBUG-2221. Good:-)
Looks like we we have not yet been able to trigger this issue. So if somebody else is having it, please comment and vote on that bug! Thanks.
Even better:-)