Search tags using previous tag search
Hi all,
I wonder if it's possible to search for a tag and if you get a lot of results, you can search in these results using another tag narrowing down the possibilities.
I Tried AND but that didn't give the expected results.
Is this possible or would it be a good suggestion for the forum. At this stage there aren't that many topics, but as those will grow, we could use more advanced search possibilities.
Hi Gerolf,
I made the suggestion in bugreports : you wish you can vote for it!
EDIT : I hope Marius likes it too ;)
I have just voted too! It is a very reasonable suggestion :)
[quote author="Gerolf" date="1308946328"]But search in search result is more then AND/OR etc
It could be a search via tags whose results are then searched by text or vice versa[/quote]
Alright, that's not on the table for now. But the original request will be fulfilled with AND searches:
bq. I wonder if it’s possible to search for a tag and if you get a lot of results, you can search in these results using another tag narrowing down the possibilities.
Gerolf, I think yes
done: "QTWEBSITE-248":
[quote author="Gerolf" date="1308947801"]done: "QTWEBSITE-248":[/quote]
Eddy, it was friday night, I'm not sure a lot of people were here :)
Hi Denis,
I know. it only seems strange to me that people tell us in the forum they voted, but the counter was still 0.
Could be only they voted for the first suggestion, which is not as elaborated as Gerolf's.Cheers
PS : i think we are in another timezone. It's 11:46 am here.
Gerolf's issue is now voted 3 times, not 0.