The listview spend too much time to flick
i use the listview to show a list of page, every page show one picture;
right now when i drag the listview, i find it spend too much time to flick!
how can i accelerate the flicking speed ? or need i create a custom listview (i find it too hard to do that as the listview class in qml
can not inherit). -
Hi tigriswind,
I think there is a couple of things you need check:
- Is the picture's size is too much to be loaded
- If the page hold the whole screen(which width maybe equal to the mainwindow's width), make sure the clip property of listview was set be true. It can ignore your pages out of the screen/range for rendering
- Make sure your code is correct for the case. :D
thanks for your reply;
when i change the currentIndex for listview,every thing work well. but when i use drag to slide the
listview, the speed is slow and the render performant is bad;
after i deep into the declarative c++ source, i find the speed is according to multiple factors ,as the drag duration, the drag distance ......
you can find the similar source at qt/examples/declarative/toys/corkboards in the qt example
Rectangle {
width: 800; height: 480ListModel { id: list ListElement { name: "Sunday" notes: [ ListElement { noteText: "Lunch" }, ListElement { noteText: "Birthday Party" } ] } ........................... ListElement { name: "Saturday" notes: [ ListElement { noteText: "Drink" }, ListElement { noteText: "Download Qt\nPlay with QML" } ] } } ListView { id: flickable anchors.fill: parent focus: true snapMode: ListView.SnapOneItem highlightRangeMode: ListView.StrictlyEnforceRange highlightMoveSpeed: 4000 orientation: ListView.Horizontal model: list delegate: Day { } }
//in the Day.qml only show a Image
Component {
Image {
source: "cork.jpg"
width: page.ListView.view.width
height: page.ListView.view.height
fillMode: Image.PreserveAspectCrop
clip: true
} -
Place @ at the beginning and at the end of the code block. Its very difficult to read the code..
Rectangle {
width: 800; height: 480ListModel { id: list ListElement { name: “Sunday” notes: [ ListElement { noteText: “Lunch” }, ListElement { noteText: “Birthday Party” } ] } // .......... ListElement { name: “Saturday” notes: [ ListElement { noteText: “Drink” }, ListElement { noteText: “Download Qt\nPlay with QML” } ] } } ListView { id: flickable anchors.fill: parent focus: true snapMode: ListView.SnapOneItem highlightRangeMode: ListView.StrictlyEnforceRange highlightMoveSpeed: 4000 orientation: ListView.Horizontal model: list delegate: Day { } }
//in the Day.qml only show a Image
Component {
// ..........
Image {
source: “cork.jpg”
width: page.ListView.view. widht
height: page.ListView.view.height
fillMode: Image.PreserveAspectCrop
clip: true
// ..........
I reformatted the code, please wrap code sections in a single ( at the beginning of the block and one at the end, do not wrap every line. Please use correct indentation too, to increase its readability.