Header file reference problem???
Where are these header files.. Don't think are Qt Standard Headers.??
If you want to add headers and libs that are not part of Qt Standard set.. use INCLUDEPATH and LIBS in .pro file
[quote author="TobbY" date="1308892851"]i know how to include them. [/quote]
Did not get you. You know how to include them?? then what is the problem??
[quote author="TobbY" date="1308892851"]but wt is the purpose of these???[/quote]
Purpose of what??? Can you clarify?
Just googling for sapi.h and sphelper.h shows that these are for the Microsoft Speech API 5.3:
[quote author="TobbY" date="1308899847"]i am working on QtSpeech example, i tried to run it , but those headers are missing.[/quote]
When you say you are working on QtSpeech example, we need to ask you one more question on where is this example???
If you can provide as much information as possible, we can solve it quick and fast. This back and forth consumes lot of time for you. You may not want that..
this project is still in development, but its working code. but i got some errors.
if you got success then pls solve it..
[quote author="TobbY" date="1308907642"]https://gitorious.org/qt-speech/qt-speech
this project is still in development, but its working code. but i got some errors.
if you got success then pls solve it..[/quote]
If you look at https://gitorious.org/qt-speech/qt-speech/blobs/master/QtSpeech.pri
win32 {
SOURCES += QtSpeech_win.cpp
INCLUDEPATH += "C:/Program Files/PSDK/Include"
INCLUDEPATH += "C:/Program Files/PSDK/Include/atl"
INCLUDEPATH += "C:/Program Files/Microsoft Speech SDK 5.1/Include
LIBS += -L"C:/Program Files/Microsoft Speech SDK 5.1/Lib/i386"
}@Do you have these dirs and libs in your windows machine???
[quote author="Vijay Bhaska Reddy" date="1308908050"]
[quote author="TobbY" date="1308907642"]https://gitorious.org/qt-speech/qt-speechthis project is still in development, but its working code. but i got some errors.
if you got success then pls solve it..[/quote]
If you look at https://gitorious.org/qt-speech/qt-speech/blobs/master/QtSpeech.pri
win32 {
SOURCES += QtSpeech_win.cpp
INCLUDEPATH += "C:/Program Files/PSDK/Include"
INCLUDEPATH += "C:/Program Files/PSDK/Include/atl"
INCLUDEPATH += "C:/Program Files/Microsoft Speech SDK 5.1/Include
LIBS += -L"C:/Program Files/Microsoft Speech SDK 5.1/Lib/i386"
}@Do you have these dirs and libs in your windows machine???
does it work for you* -
I did not try and don't think have time to check out code and download these speech sdk just to see if it compiles. After seeing your previous post, the first thing that came to my mind is to search in google what is this "PSDK", and I got some answers. Did you try that..
You can always remove those two INCLUDEPATH statements and see what header files are missing and google them to see how you can get them...