Button on MS Windows taskbar
I'm newbie in QT, and i need some help. Please tell me how can i make button which will be in the foreground and which i can move by pressed (longer click). For example i want to set up this button on MS Windows taskbar and have this on hand, like Messenger cloud App on Android.
PS My english is poor so i'm sorry for grammar :) -
@zumma Hi, welcome to the Qt forum! Do you mean a System Tray Icon?
Hi and welcome
Can you provide more info ? what sort of button ?
a tray button?
Ok i forgot change topic :)
So my idea is ... Round button (picture) somewhere on screen. It should be possible to move and i want to have this at hand ( i don't know if it's possible ), because after click i want to play favorite short .mp3 or after longer click i want to see more .mp3 to choose. System Tray Icon will be good to more options, for example (settings, folder with .mp3). It's project to school on multimedia board. It's must be easy to use. So tell me the best way to do this. Maybe u have better solution.
I don't know how can i attach picture in post :( but i think you know what i mean :) -
@zumma said:
I don't know how can i attach picture in post
Upload the picture to https://postimage.org/ and then insert it here with
![alternate text](url)
. -
@zumma Have a look at this example: http://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qtwidgets-widgets-shapedclock-example.html. Should provide you with a good starting point.
Ok your idea was great :)
Now i have problem with connect signal and slot. I don't know what is wrong. I spent four hour on this and nothing. I think this is little mistake but i don't know where :) Problem is described in comment in code.
Next question is ... instruction "foreach" is good for this menu? It's working fine but maybe is better way to do it. Here i want to add name of files to menu. I will change this slot on mediaplayer - > play.
It's my first project in QT so be understanding.ShapedClock::ShapedClock(QWidget *parent) : QWidget(parent, Qt::FramelessWindowHint | Qt::WindowSystemMenuHint | Qt::WindowStaysOnTopHint) { QSettings setting("MyApp","mysettings"); setting.beginGroup("SettingsWindow"); QDir dir(setting.value("sciezka","C:/").toString()); setting.endGroup(); int index = 0; foreach (QFileInfo var, dir.entryInfoList()) { if(var.isFile()) { index++; QString aaa = QString::number(index); QAction *exitAction = new QAction((aaa+ ". " + var.baseName()), this); connect(exitAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), qApp, SLOT(quit())); addAction(exitAction); } } QAction *exitAction = new QAction(tr("E&xit"), this); connect(exitAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), qApp, SLOT(quit())); addAction(exitAction); //i can't open new window "settings" -> error: No such slot shapedClock::OpenSettings() QAction *awer = new QAction(tr("S&ettings"), this); connect(awer, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(OpenSettings())); addAction(awer); ///// setContextMenuPolicy(Qt::ActionsContextMenu); setToolTip(tr("abcdefgh\n" "abcdefgh")); setWindowTitle(tr("nnnnnnnn")); } // ........ // ........ // ........ void ShapedClock::OpenSettings() // OpenSettings is in protected group in ShapedClock.h { SettingsDialog settingsDialog; settingsDialog.setModal(true); settingsDialog.exec(); }
Btw: You should use the new connect syntax as it has better compile-time checks:
connect(exitAction, &QAction::triggered, qApp, &QApplication::quit);
Again you are very helpful. I searched network about my new problem and nothing.
FilesDialog::FilesDialog(QWidget *parent) : QDialog(parent), ui(new Ui::FilesDialog) { ui->setupUi(this); QSettings setting("MyApp","mysettings"); // load settings from QSettings setting.beginGroup("SettingsWindow"); QDir dir( setting.value("path","C:/").toString() ); QListWidgetItem fav ( setting.value("favorite").toString() ); setting.endGroup(); // end of loading foreach (QFileInfo var, dir.entryInfoList()) // additems to QListWidget { if(var.isFile()) ui->listWidget_files->addItem(var.fileName()); } ui->listWidget_files->setCurrentItem(&fav); // I think here is mistake or ui->listWidget_files->currentItem()->setIcon(QIcon(":/pictures/button.png")); // here }
I want to load "favorite"(It's name of item) from settings and set icon item in QListWidget.
Compilation of the project was succesfully. But when i open this window i get error and no responses. -
Your fav object is allocated on the stack so at the end of the function it will be destroyed.
I think fav is in one function. When i use qQebug() i see in console "1", "-1" , and i dont see "2" because here is error. I dont know why i got "-1" when i indicate on second item.
ui->listWidget_files->setCurrentItem(&ulub); qDebug() << "1"; // work qDebug() << ui->listWidget_files->currentRow(); // -1 ui->listWidget_files->currentItem()->setIcon(QIcon(":/pictures/button.png")); qDebug() << "2";
@zumma As @SGaist said: you pass pointer to a local variable which is destroyed as soon as FilesDialog() finishes:
FilesDialog::FilesDialog(QWidget *parent) : QDialog(parent), ui(new Ui::FilesDialog) { ... QListWidgetItem fav ( setting.value("favorite").toString() ); // fav is local variable and only exists in FilesDialog() ... ui->listWidget_files->setCurrentItem(&fav); // Here you pass a pointer ... } // Here fav is destoyed and the pointer you passed to setCurrentItem becomes invalid