Class Promotion ?
Hi Qt Community ,
The answer i'm afraid can be very obvious , but code-safety is priority .
I have a class A , inherited by a class B.
In a certain state , i want my class A to "promote" to class B .
In other terms , i want the class A to "turn" into a class B that holds all the values of class A , and when i say "turn into" , i mean i want for the events that were occuring to the first instance of class A to still happen to the promoted class B.Thanks you very much.
I didn't get it. Also I don't get how this is related to Qt.
You have
class B;
class A : public Bso A is always a B. ??
so I dont get it either. :)
besides it does remind me of -
It's actually :
class A;
class B : public A
Class A has key and mouse events , and multiple protected variables.
I want from my instance of class A to turn into a class B that contains copies of the values of the variables of class A while keeping the events working .Thanks for your help , imma take a look at your link
To be more precise , both my classes A and B are subclassed QGraphicsItem ,
they only differ in the implementation of the virtual paint() method . -
the simple version is
class Master
all variables..class A : Master
paintEventclass B : Master
paintEventthe more lame is
class A :B
PaintAsA(QPainter *)
PaintAsB(QPainter *)paintevent(...)
PaintAsAwhich is bad with more sublasses
Why do your shapes of class A and B have to be related at all? When ever you have an object of A on your scene and you want to "turn it into" an object of B, just create a new object of B, copy the relevant data from A to B and destroy the original A object.
By doing that , i lose all the key and mouse events that happen to class A.
You mean events that have been sent to A but haven't been "delivered" to it yet?
Call QCoreApplication::processEvents before destroying A.
Maybe i should do this instead :
I start by creating a class B that uses the paintEvent of class A , then when i reach the certain state , it calls the paintEvent of class B .
I have no problem doing it now , since the difference is only in the painting , but later when the new classes have new variables , that'll be a problem .
Maybe a small piece of code will help me understand better , and thank you :)
I dont understand why it ever need to change "type".
I think you need to rethink the design.
Normally u use base class pointers and childs for polymorph operations but
i cannot understand your use case.Its like circle that must sudden draw as a rect?
@WielandI'll try to minimize the code , to help clarify my situation :
Class myScene : public QGraphicsScene { //... void MousePressEvent(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent *event) //... private: A *a; //... }
myScene::myScene { a = new A; } void myScene::MousePressEvent(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent *event) { a->doesSmth(); if(a->reachesSomePoint()) a = new B; // Compiles good but i lose the events and the whole paint of a; }
Class A : public QObject , public QGraphicsItem { //... A(); QRectF boundingRect() const Q_DECL_OVERRIDE; QPainterPath shape() const Q_DECL_OVERRIDE; void paint(QPainter *painter, const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem *option, QWidget *widget) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE; // This is the first painting //... protected: qreal myValue1; int myValue2; //... }
Class B : public Class A { void paint(QPainter *painter, const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem *option, QWidget *widget) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE; // This is the second painting //Future Variables private: qreal futureValue1; //... }
You only need to go from base to child?
You can use a cast for that. you dont lose A paint as you are free to call the A::paintEvent from