From Matrix to QImage and QPixmap
Hello everyone.
First of all thanks a lot for reading this post and being able to help.I would like to get an image from a matrix.
This is my code to convert from QImage to matrix:
QPixmap img_scene(path_name_image); //Pixmap creation to add the image img = img_scene.toImage(); int **matrix; //Create matrix where each element will be a pixel value. matrix = new int *[img.width()]; for(int i=0;i<img.width();++i) matrix[i] = new int [img.height()]; for(int i=0;i<img.width();++i){ for(int j=0;j<img.height();++j){ matrix[i][j]=qGray(img.pixel(i,j)) > 127 ? 0:1; //Less than 127 = 1. } }
Now i would like to convert "matrix" to a QImage. My code looks like this:
QImage imagen(1000,938, QImage::Format_Grayscale8); for(int i=0;i<1000;++i){ for(int j=0;j<938;++j) imagen.setPixel(i,j, matrix_binary[i][j]); }
It compile but it crashed in the last "for"..
how can I do that?
thanks! -
Did you check that your matrix is pointing to something valid ?
Out of curiosity, why do you need such a matrix ?
I meant the matrix itself, not what its content is representing.
Did you allocate that matrix properly ?
On a side note, you can also use a
for a two dimensional storage. -
@SGaist said:
I meant the matrix itself, not what its content is representing.
Did you allocate that matrix properly ?
On a side note, you can also use a
for a two dimensional storage.@jsulm said:
@AlvaroS I think @SGaist wanted to know whether matrix_binary is pointing to a matrix and whether it has same dimensions as the picture (1000x938). How did you initialise matrix_binary?
Matriz_binary values are 0 or 1 (white or black), now I am trying to represent that matrix in a scene with QPixmap.
My code looks like this right now:
QImage imagen(1000,938, QImage::Format_Grayscale8); for(int i=0;i<938;++i){ for(int j=0;j<1000;++j) if (matrix_binary[i][j] == 1) imagen.setPixel(i,j, qRgb(1,1,1)); else imagen.setPixel(i,j, qRgb(0,0,0)); } QPixmap pixmap_scene; pixmap_scene.fromImage(imagen); QGraphicsPixmapItem *item = scene->addPixmap(pixmap_scene);
but in some part before "for" it crashes....
how can I do what I want? Maybe the format image?Thanks a lot
Your matrix_binary allocated incorrectly. You should exchange width and height.
like this:
matrix = new int *[img.height()]; for(int i=0;i<img.height();++i) matrix[i] = new int [img.width()];
You can also use a QVector.
like this:
QVector<QVector<int>> matrix(img.height(), QVector<int>(img.width(), 0)); // 0 is initial value
Where exactly does it crash? Did you try to debug to see what is happening?
And still you did not answer the question regarding matrix_binary: how did you initialize it? It is clear that it contains 0/1 but that was not the question.
And I think you should swap i and j:QImage imagen(1000,938, QImage::Format_Grayscale8);
width=1000, height=938
but then you do:for(int i=0;i<938;++i){ for(int j=0;j<1000;++j) ... imagen.setPixel(i,j, qRgb(1,1,1)); // i is x and j is y
@Devopia53 said:
Your matrix_binary allocated incorrectly. You should exchange width and height.
like this:
matrix = new int *[img.height()]; for(int i=0;i<img.height();++i) matrix[i] = new int [img.width()];
You can also use a QVector.
like this:
QVector<QVector<int>> matrix(img.height(), QVector<int>(img.width(), 0)); // 0 is initial value
If I do what you say it does not crash, but know it says:
. . . QImage::setPixel: coordinate (937,991) out of range QImage::setPixel: coordinate (937,992) out of range QImage::setPixel: coordinate (937,993) out of range QImage::setPixel: coordinate (937,994) out of range QImage::setPixel: coordinate (937,995) out of range . . .
The code now look like this:
int vector_binary[1000*938]; /*matrix binary creation*/ int **matrix_binary; matrix_binary = new int *[938]; for(int i=0;i<938;++i) matrix_binary[i] = new int [1000]; /*read vecotr from a binary file*/*)(vector_binary), sizeof(int)*1000*938); /*Initialitation of matrix_binary*/ for(int i=0;i<938;++i){ for(int j=0;j<1000;++j){ matrix_binary[i][j] = 0; } } /*Store the data into matrix_binary*/ for(int i=0;i<938;++i){ for(int j=0;j<1000;++j){ matrix_binary[i][j] = vector_binary[i*1000+j]; } } //From matrix to QImage to visualize //Create matrix where each element will be a pixel value. QImage imagen(1000,938, QImage::Format_RGB666); for(int w=0;w<938;w++){ for(int z=0;z<1000;z++) if (matrix_binary[w][z] == 1) imagen.setPixel(w,z, qRgb(250,250,250)); else imagen.setPixel(w,z, qRgb(0,0,0)); } //QPixmap pixmap_scene; QPixmap pixmap_scene = QPixmap::fromImage(imagen); } }
I think that the problem is in setPixel...
@jsulm said:
Where exactly does it crash? Did you try to debug to see what is happening?
And still you did not answer the question regarding matrix_binary: how did you initialize it? It is clear that it contains 0/1 but that was not the question.
And I think you should swap i and j:QImage imagen(1000,938, QImage::Format_Grayscale8);
width=1000, height=938
but then you do:for(int i=0;i<938;++i){ for(int j=0;j<1000;++j) ... imagen.setPixel(i,j, qRgb(1,1,1)); // i is x and j is y
Yes sorry! See my last post :)
QImage::setPixel: coordinate (937,991) out of range QImage::setPixel: coordinate (937,992) out of range QImage::setPixel: coordinate (937,993) out of range QImage::setPixel: coordinate (937,994) out of range QImage::setPixel: coordinate (937,995) out of range
Now take a look how you initialized QImage:
QImage imagen(1000,938, QImage::Format_Grayscale8);
So, max value for y is 937 but you pass values like 991!
Hi! The following is still unnecessarily slow but at least it works and doesn't waste so much memory as before:
const QPixmap pixmap("/home/user/myimage.jpg"); ui->label->setPixmap(pixmap); const QImage image = pixmap.toImage(); const int width = image.width(); const int height = image.height(); QBitArray bitArray(width*height); for (int h=0; h<height; ++h) { for (int w=0; w<width; ++w) { bitArray[h*width+w] = qGray(image.pixel(w,h)) > 127 ? 0 : 1; } } /* Do something with the bit array here */ QImage monoImage(width, height, QImage::Format_Mono); for (int h=0; h<height; ++h) { for (int w=0; w<width; ++w) { monoImage.setPixel(w, h,*width+w)); } } ui->label_2->setPixmap( QPixmap::fromImage(monoImage) );