QCharts - QLineSeries from independent X and Y arrays
What's the best way to plot two arrays in a LineChart with QCharts , one versus the other,#define SIZE 100
int xArray[SIZE];
int yArray[SIZE];Do I have to create a list of QPoints manually from these arrays?
Is there any way to add xArray or yArray to QLineSeries without modifying the other? -
You can apply some thing simple like follows
QLineSeries *series0 = new QLineSeries(); series0->append(0,6); series0->append(2,4);
You don't have to create Points. -
Thanks for your answer. I'd like to append to QLineSeries the X coordinates independent from the Y coordinates, in your exaplme something like,
QLineSeries *series0 = new QLineSeries(); int xArray[2] = {0, 2}; int yArray[2] = {6, 4}; series0->setXData(xArray); series0->setYData(yArray);
I want the best way to change X or Y data without modifying the other.
You can set all the points with one of the coordinates at 0 and then use replace()
for(int i : xArray) series0->append(i,0); Q_ASSERT(series0->count()>=std::extent<decltype(yArray)>::value); for(int i=0;i<std::extent<decltype(yArray)>::value;++i) series0->replace(i,series0->at(i).x(),yArray[i]);
Thanks! Thats a way, but what about performance?
I'd like a way to pass a pointer to the x or y data structure, instead of copying it.
I am migrating an application that used Qwt. That library had some functions meant for performance like,series.setRawSamples(xData, yData, numData); painter.drawSeries(&series, from, to);
I know it's a different library, but I need to plot data in an environment with constant change in X or Y data.
I tried to use a QVXYModelMapper but I didn't find a way to manage the X and Y data from the model in a independent way. -
if you can use QVXYModelMapper then it's already done. For example:
- mapper is QVXYModelMapper
- i is the index of the point you want to change the Y coordinate for
- newY is the new value for Y
mapper.model()->setData(mapper.model()->index(i,mapper.yColumn()), newY);