I have this class (chopped down for clarity):
namespace server{ class clientinfo { Q_GADGET Q_PROPERTY(int clientnum MEMBER clientnum) // not working Q_PROPERTY(QString name READ _name WRITE _setName) // not working public slots: QString _name(); void _setName(const QString &s); public: clientinfo(); ~clientinfo(); int clientnum; string name; }; } Q_DECLARE_METATYPE(server::clientinfo*)
I must declare server::clientinfo as a pointer since it's part of a bigger non-qt project that passes pointers here and there. How would I implement my two Q_PROPERTYs to access the members of my class?
I pass this pointer to my class to QJSEngine:QJSValueList capsule; capsule << qserver->js.toScriptValue<clientinfo *>(ci);
Calling the properties from javascript will not work, since it's a pointer, not the whole class.
How would I use the pointer within javascript? -
@Illogica said:
I must declare server::clientinfo as a pointer since it's part of a bigger non-qt project that passes pointers here and there. How would I implement my two Q_PROPERTYs to access the members of my class?
I don't understand the question. Also what exactly isn't working with the properties, the in-code comments aren't saying much ...?
Yes, sorry. I edited the question since it lacked a little of context...
I'm passing my custom class to QJSEngine. I need to be able to change the class properties from within a js script.
If I pass the regular object (not a pointer) the properties work, but when I send back the object to c++, the rest of the program (which is quite big) will sooner or later segfault since the object I'm returning is not the original one.
So, I want to pass a pointer to my object to js, but how do i access the properties of the object since I'm only passing a pointer? -
Do you mean you want to do this:
http://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qtjavascript.html#making-a-qobject-available-to-the-script-engine -
@kshegunov yes, I was too in a rush to solve the problem and had the totally wrong approach.
I needed to pass pointers to objects to QJSEngine, and then the javascript environment is supposed to call c++ functions passing this pointer again.
So the right approach is via QJSValue QJSEngine::newQObject(QObject *object), which wraps the QObject pointer, and return it via QObject *QJSValue::toQObject().
Anyway, thanks for caring!