QWebEnginePage and printToPdf Qt 5.7 issue
General and Desktop
Hi guys… I’m trying to use this function with qt 5.7 beta
void QWebEnginePage::printToPdf(const QString &filePath, const QPageLayout &pageLayout)
but, I have a problem with it because I don’t know when the pdf generation has finished, it seem like the pdf generation is running on other thread and I can’t know when it’s finish.
does any one has any advise to do that? how Qt 5.7 notify that the pdf was generated successful or with error using this method?
Yes, it runs in a separate thread. You have "2.5" choices:
- Upgrade to Qt 5.9, which has just added signal QWebEnginePage::pdfPrintingFinished .
- Use the Qt 5.7 QWebEnginePage::printToPdf(FunctorOrLambda resultCallback) overload which will call your own callback when it prints.
2.5 Use a QFileSystemwatcher to monitor for file creation. [I am not keen on this one, e.g.QFileSystemWatcher::fileChanged()
signal is probably(?) emitted as soon as file starts being written to rather than on writing completed.]
See also my post on this forum for possible issue when waiting for
to complete.