Customised RadioButton not working
QML and Qt Quick
Hi All,
I am working with QtQuick 1.1
I have a Radio as follows
import QtQuick 1.1 Rectangle { id: sideButton property RadioGroup radioGroup property string text: 'Button' radius:20 border.color: "black" border.width: 2 property bool checked: false color: radioGroup.selected === sideButton ? '#4FB549' : (sideButtonMouseArea.containsMouse ? '#DDDDDD' : '#F4F4F4') onCheckedChanged: { console.log("onCheckedChanged"); sideButton.radioGroup.selected === sideButton } MouseArea { id: sideButtonMouseArea anchors.fill: parent hoverEnabled: true onClicked: sideButton.radioGroup.selected = sideButton } }
import QtQuick 1.1 QtObject { id:root property Item selected : null }
and in main.qml when i am calling
RadioGroup { id: radioGroup1 } CRadio { x:100 y:220 width:25 checked:true radioGroup: radioGroup1 height: 25 }
When UI is loaded i can click on the MouseArea, It is working fine on Loading.
I am getting following error.
qrc:/CRadio.qml:18: TypeError: Result of expression 'sideButton.radioGroup' [null] is not an object.What would will be problem ?
Thanks in Advance.