Publishing a Qt Application under Windows
I have Problems to publish my developed Program under Windows. One User telled me that there is a Security Feature in Windows 10 that doesnt allow my App to execute. I read something about Smart Screen and Certification from Windows. But im really confused. How can i solve this?
If your app is called anything with setup in name
then it will be stopped by UAC.
Else I have not had issue on win 10 with Qt programs. (Desktop)Can it be the users local virus scanner or something that blocks it?
Before you know why it cannot run, its hard to solve it.
A User gets this Message when he executes it
It says the PC is protected. And in the button the text is "Dont execute"
Normally if you click on "more info"
you get option to "Run anyway" -
yes of course, but not any user knows that :)
Nope, they try to hide it as if "Run anyways" was always visible it would
not really help anything. :)Is your program installed by installer to "programs" ?
no its just a Zip Archiv you can download and extract. In this Archiv you have the Program you can just execute. no Installer
Ok, as normally it do not warn about stuff that is installed with installer, only
in other folders etc.
Especially if download folder. -
its strange that not everyone has that. only one user i know.
well, it might not trigger in all folders.
so if other users move to say desktop , it might not. -
really strange. but how can i fix this? only with an installer?
Im not sure u can add anything to remove this
warning as then all malware could just do it.Well, an installer might do it for you., yes.
i used the VC Compiler from Visual Studio 2015. Maybe this Messages shows if someone copy this Folder in the Program Directory of Windows. Later i will try a Setup Installer like Inno Setup or something.