How to set up a project structure using qmake
General and Desktop
Hi guys,
So this is my first time on this forum and using Qt and although I'm enjoying every bit of it, I've a few issues which given the amount of googling I've done, have come up trumps.
So being a little bit OCD, I like to have a nicely laid out structure. My ideal structure would look like the following:
- Project S (root)
- includes
- windows
- about
- aboutsq.h
- ui_aboutsq.h
- main
- mainwindow.h
- about
- windows
- src
- windows
- about
- aboutsq.cpp
- main
- mainwindow.cpp
- about
- main
- main.cpp
- windows
- forms
- about
- aboutsq.h
- about
- resources
- includes
Except, if I try to separate my files into that sort of structure I get massive issues and errors. So here's my question, How do I tell QMake to look in forms for the .ui's and place the subsequent header file into the correct directory? (If that's possible of course).
Thanks guys!
- Project S (root)