How to tell Designer to look for runtime dependencies in the folder of the plugin?
For our application we have a bunch of custom widgets, we are combined into a single Designer plugin, such that we can use these custom widgets directly in the designer. Our CMake-based build infrastructure is capable of deploying that plugin (we're on Windows, so a .dll) into the QT_PLUGIN_PATH folder. This works very nicely, except for runtime dependencies of the dll.
I was expecting that if the Designer found a plugin in a certain folder, it would also look for runtime dependencies in that same folder. It doesn't seem to do that, and I can't find any documentation about how to configure Designer to do that.
One obvious work-around would be to add the plugin path to the PATH environment variable, but it seems more logical that the Designer (in effect probably
) would take care of this, much like the containing folder of any given executable in Windows is also automatically first looked for runtime dependencies. Can I achieve that somehow? -
Are you doing a "monolithic" plugin build ? i.e. the plugin is also the dll that your application needs to run ?
@SGaist Thanx for thinking with me. I'm not entirely sure what you mean though. The plugin indeed is a dll, that we want to be loaded by Designer. However, we directly instantiate the classes in the dll in our application. Our application does not load it as a plugin.
Nevertheless, the build infrastructure for our application deploys all runtime dependencies into a single folder, from which we can run/test and create an installer. For the Designer however, such a thing doesn't work, because that would imply copying our application-specific runtimes into the installation folder of Qt
I was thinking about the Splitting Up The Plugin which is the way to go when building an application using your custom designer plugin.