Can I used scintilla APIS in QScintilla object
I have following code
Here’s the basic mechanism to load the source into Scintilla using ILoader. myView is an instance of Scintilla::ScintillaEdit. lFileSize is the size of the source file in bytes.
char lBuffer[8192];
size_t lCnt;
ILoader lLoader = (ILoader) myView->createLoader(lFileSize);
FILE* lFP = fopen(ofilename.toLatin1(), “r”);
while (!feof(lFP)) {
lCnt = fread(lBuffer, 1, sizeof(lBuffer), lFP);
if (lLoader->AddData(lBuffer, lCnt) != SC_STATUS_OK) {
// report error
myView->setDocPointer(lLoader->ConvertToDocument());I want to used this above code in object of Qscintilla . for example
class myscidir : public QScintilla {
how can I use this API in Qscintilla
That's a question you should ask to the authors of QScintilla directly.
@SGaist said:
I treid but I did not get the answers . Any alternative direct contact for the same
Please have some patience. You can't expect to send an email to a mailing list and have a response in the following minutes like you can't expect to have an answer on this forum right after you wrote your question. That might happen but it's not the rule nor the common case, not all people live in the same timezone as you.
If you need live help then you should consider hiring someone to work for you.