Error while installing QtSpeech
I have cloned from the QtSpeech source.
I get the following error while running the .pro file.Executable /home/------/build-qtspeech-Desktop_Qt_5_6_0_GCC_64bit-Debug/tests/auto/texttospeech/tst_qtexttospeech does not exist.
Can any one htrow some light on the error and help me run qtspeech. -
QtSpeech is a module not an application. So just build and install the module, then you can go on and build the examples.
I have added a make "install" step in the projects tab and then build. I am trying to run the but It gives error of No text-to-speech plug-ins were found.
Did you check that you had any of the plugins dependency installed before building ?
The dev package ?
Sorry, I just realized that I've mixed the TTS and ASR modules. Looks there's no plugin yet for festival.
Depending on your needs KDE's Text-To-Speech subsystem might be an alternative.