Accessing Online Database From Qt
Hi everybody,
I'd like to know if the following code:QSqlDatabase db = QSqlDatabase::addDatabase("QMYSQL"); db.setHostName("bigblue"); db.setDatabaseName("flightdb"); db.setUserName("acarlson"); db.setPassword("1uTbSbAs"); bool ok =;
Is this able to connect to a database located to a server? Or just to connect to a local database (Offline Database)?
Thanks a lot!
As noted by @panosk, it's enough to connect to a local or remote instance of a MySQL database.
However, if you plan to connect to a remote server outside of your network, you should reconsider your design. A database should never be accessible directly over internet.
Hi, thank you for your answers,
I'm trying to connect to a MySQL located in my Hostinger "account".
Do you know if it has firewall? Because I'm unable to connect.Thanks!
There's something more beside the firewalls. Some hosting companies will disable (it's a MySQL server feature) logging into databases from hosts different than the local one, and for a good reason. You should check that as well, even if the port is open and the server is visible you could still fail to connect if that's the case. -
You probably want to try to connect to your database using an existing tool before you try it with your own software. This way you are at least sure that the problem is in fact in your software if it doesn't work and not somewhere else (eg. host configuration as mentioned by @kshegunov)