QScintillna (Want to check memory usage of lines in following Qt code in a profiler tool
General and Desktop
void GQSciEdit::loadSourceFile(const QString& ofilename)
if (ofilename.isEmpty()) {
setText("<EMPTY FILE>");
filename = "";
}if (ofilename.endsWith(".gpg") || ofilename.endsWith(".odb")) { setText("<ENCRYPTED FILE>"); filename = ""; return; } if (filename != ofilename) { QString msg = QString("Loaded file %1").arg(ofilename); if (FILE* fp = UFile::open(ofilename.toLatin1(), "r")) { QTextStream ts(fp, QIODevice::ReadOnly); setText(ts.readAll()); setModified(FALSE); UFile::close(fp); d_filename = ofilename; emit fileNameChanged(ofilename); } } }
I want to check memory usage of following line in above code setText(ts.readAll()); Can some one tell me the tool for it
[edit: koahnig] Added some spaces for code visualisation.
Profilers are typically dependent on OS. You may have a look to gprof
On the other hand profilers eat a lot of CPU. Therefore do not try it on your large file. Probably it is much easier for you to measure time and required time with QElapsedTimer.