Get just lines items from a scene where there are some kind of items.
Hello everyone.
First of all thanks a lot for helping me and reading this post.i have a scene where tehera are lines items and a pixmap item.
Then I would like to move just the lines items (not the pixmap item).
My code is like this:QList<QGraphicsItem*>a; a = scene->items(); for (int i=0; i<a.size();i++){ QGraphicsItem* my_item = a.value(i); //Item (i) selected QGraphicsLineItem *line_at = qgraphicsitem_cast<QGraphicsLineItem *>(my_item); double XStart_line=line_at->line().x1(); //X_start of line i. double XEnd_line=line_at->line().x2(); double YStart_line=line_at->line().y1(); double YEnd_line=line_at->line().y2(); ..... //move the item i
It does not give me any errors but when I run this code fragment it gives me this:
The program has unexpectedly finished.I think that the problem is that when I run this code I am trying to move every kind of items, not just line items so for that reason it gives me an error.
How can I get information just for Lines items¿?
Because if I get to move just the lines items in FOR it will be solved I think.Thanks a lot!
You should check line_at: is it null or not?
See here: *line_at = qgraphicsitem_cast<QGraphicsLineItem *>(my_item);
If my_item is not QGraphicsLineItem qgraphicsitem_cast will return null and then you dereference null pointer and your program crashes.
As I said just check the pointer:
QList<QGraphicsItem*>a; a = scene->items(); for (int i=0; i<a.size();i++){ QGraphicsItem* my_item = a.value(i); //Item (i) selected QGraphicsLineItem *line_at = qgraphicsitem_cast<QGraphicsLineItem *>(my_item); if (line_at == nullptr) continue; // my_item is not a line double XStart_line=line_at->line().x1(); //X_start of line i. double XEnd_line=line_at->line().x2(); double YStart_line=line_at->line().y1(); double YEnd_line=line_at->line().y2(); ..... //move the item i