QtCreator 4 and CMake
In QtCreator 4 it is not possible any more to provide CMake parameters when calling "Run CMake".
I managed to set all needed variables in the Kit and can now execute CMake in QtCreator.
So far so good.
But now I cannot build any more from QtCreator because all build options are greyed out!
I can build on command line (Linux).
Does anybody know what the problem is? -
Under Projects/Build settings QtCreator says (with an exclamation mark in a red circle):
"The build directory is not for PATH_TO_PROJECT"
I use out of source build.
Why does QtCreator think the build directory is not for the project?With previous QtCreator versions everything was working just fine. Sometimes "improvements" are counter intuitive.
I have the same problem -- very annoying. Now I can't build my software.
In addition, configuring CMAKE to use only the Ninja generator causes the project file list to remain empty! This wasn't the case with QtCreator 3.3.0 Now you have to use CodeBlocks + Ninja to get a list of files in your project.
Other than this, QtCreator is a very nice piece of software, but the way it is now, i's not usable.
Hi and welcome to devnet,
You should rather bring your points to the Qt Creator mailing list, you'll find there Qt Creator's developers/maintainers. This forum is more user oriented.