Installation happening in Win 7 & not working in Win XP
Hi *,
I have created our product Installer using the QT 4.7.1
It installs very perfectly in Win 7 machine
Whereas same installer (QT based) is not even launching in Win XP
It is showing as following error
“This application has failed to start because the application configuration is incorrect”
Tried Google, no proper solution to resolve this, tried different methods still no progress of closing this error.
Using the dependency walker
“Error: The Side-by-Side configuration information for "c:\documents and settings\dnachimu.noe\desktop\NOKIA_SDK_1_0_JAVA_INSTALLER_OFFLINE_EM.EXE" contains errors. This application has failed to start because the application configuration is incorrect. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem (14001).”
I have made QT configuration as debug & release with static flag on
My installer application was built in release mode only
Still don’t know the reason of side-by-side configuration
Please help us in this regard
Dinesh Viswanath. -
Are you using Visual Studio? If so, which version? Make sure both Qt, your application and any plugins are built using the exact same configuration (e.g release and with same service packs) as outlined in this "FAQ":
Also, ensure that you distribute the VS runtimes by including the appropriate Visual C++ Redistributable Package (VCRedist) executable and ensuring that it is run. This is the recommended and "documented": way of distributing the runtimes. Simply copying over the Microsoft.VC80.CRT directory can cause problems like the one you are experiencing.