[SOLVED] [QColumnView] Populate widget using for loops and placeholders in PostgreSQL queries
Hello again!
I have been trying to populate a QColumnView by using for loops and queries to my Postgres DB in conjunction. However, it seems that this code returns nothing.
@void MainWindow::ENTModels()
// Initially hides the groupBox
ui->ENT_groupBox->hide();// This piece of code populates the QColumnView with a nested // for loop. It does not work for some reason. entmodel = new QStandardItemModel; ENTfetch = new QSqlQuery(QSqlDatabase::database("*****")); ENTfetch->prepare("SELECT \"ENT_Nom\" FROM \"TB_Entretien\""); ENTfetch->exec(); TESfetch = new QSqlQuery(QSqlDatabase::database("*****")); TESfetch->prepare("SELECT \"test\" FROM \"v_EntTest\" WHERE \"IndexEntretien\" = entretien" "VALUES (?)"); // Not the best solution, as it depends upon the fact that the value of // the PKEY is the same as the entretien number for (int entnumber = 0; entnumber < ENTfetch->size(); ++entnumber) { // Create Entretiens as first column ENTfetch->next(); ent2test = new QStandardItem(ENTfetch->value(0).toString()); TESfetch->bindValue(0, entnumber+1); TESfetch->exec(); for (int tesnumber = 0; tesnumber < TESfetch->size(); ++tesnumber) { TESfetch->next(); test2desc = new QStandardItem(TESfetch->value(0).toString()); ent2test->appendRow(test2desc); } entmodel->appendRow(ent2test); } ui->ENT_entretiensColumnView->setModel(entmodel);
The code seems to work when I do not use placeholders, but then it is pointless. Am I doing placeholders wrong? Can I bind values multiple times?
Thanks for your answers!
Is there a way to pass a C++ variable in the SQL statement? I just created a PostgreSQL function that fetches the data I need and takes an integer argument.
In the code above, I want the argument of my function to be entnumber+1. Here's a code snippet (doesn't work):
@ for (int entnumber = 0; entnumber < ENTfetch->size(); ++entnumber)
// Create Entretiens as first columnENTfetch->next(); ent2test = new QStandardItem(ENTfetch->value(0).toString()); TESfetch->prepare("SELECT f_ent2test(entnumber+1)"); TESfetch->exec(); for (int tesnumber = 0; tesnumber < TESfetch->size(); ++tesnumber) { TESfetch->next(); test2desc = new QStandardItem(TESfetch->value(0).toString()); ent2test->appendRow(test2desc); } entmodel->appendRow(ent2test); }
Now, this doesn't work. Is there a way to pass entnumber+1 to the SQL query?
Thank you, @HuXiKa!
I guess the VALUES clause is necessary only when dealing with multiple values?