Menu without Menuitem
QML and Qt Quick
I have a menubar with some menus on it. My problem is that some of the menus should have no items. So just by clicking on the menu name an action should be performed or a function called or something like this.
MenuBar { Menu { title: qsTr("File") MenuItem { text: qsTr("Open") } MenuItem { text: qsTr("Save") } MenuSeparator { } MenuItem { text: qsTr("Close") } } Menu { title: qsTr("Tools"); } }
Like in the sample above, if the user clicks on the Menu 'Tools' there should be an action. As far as i can see there is no 'onclick' or 'onTriggered' handler for the Menu, just for MenuItem.
Does anyone have an idea?
@PhTe You could use the signal handler
or evenonPopupVisibleChanged
import QtQuick 2.5 import QtQuick.Window 2.2 import QtQuick.Controls 1.4 ApplicationWindow { visible: true menuBar:MenuBar { Menu { title: qsTr("File") MenuItem { text: qsTr("Open") } MenuItem { text: qsTr("Save") } MenuSeparator { } MenuItem { text: qsTr("Close") } } Menu { id: emptyMenu title: qsTr("Tools"); onPopupVisibleChanged: console.log("emptyMenu - onPopupVisibleChanged") onAboutToShow: { console.log("emptyMenu - onAboutToShow") } } } Menu { id: contextMenu MenuItem { text: qsTr('Delete') } onAboutToShow: { console.log("contextMenu - onAboutToShow") } } MainForm { anchors.fill: parent mouseArea.onClicked: { contextMenu.popup() } } }