properties of a component loaded by TabView
i have the issue where the height value is 0 if i read it right after the loading.
here is my codevoid foo(){ do stuf... finishCreation(); do stuf.... } Component{ id: someId Rectangle{ anchors.fill:parent color:"red" property int val1:2 property int val2:3 function getValues(){ return val1+val2 } } } Timer{ id : myTimer running: false repeat: false interval: 1//milli seconde onTriggered: { console.log("from timer",mainTabView.getTab(4).item.height); } } function finishCreation(){ var tabComponant = Qt.createComponent("qrc:/gui/qmlui/qml.qml"); var tab = mainTabView.addTab("main",someId) tab.loaded.connect(fullyLoaded) = true; // tab.item.update() // useless // mainTabView.update() // useless console.log("calling the function ",mainTabView.getTab(4).item.getValues()) // this call return the right values of properties console.log("right after creation",mainTabView.getTab(4).item.height);// index 4, represent this added tab myTimer.running = true;// activate the timer } function fullyLoaded(){ // here we are sure that every thing is loaded and still print 0 console.log("fully loaded",mainTabView.getTab(4).item.height); }
the result of console.log() in order of execution:
fully loaded 0
calling the function 5 // right ;)
right after creation 0
from timer 512my guessing is that the timer is executed by the event loop, and at that point every thing is ready.
my question, is how to access the component properties(height width) right after creating them and/or adding them to the TabView. (using a timer is a poor implementation) -
Hi @redouane and Welcome,
AFAIK that operation is asynchronous since Tab inherits Loader. So by the time you print the height the tab is not yet loaded.
Try loading a a Tab which has very minimal content to verify the above scenario. You might get the expected height. -
@redouane Sorry my bad.
I tried to recreate the same problem with this minimal example. It works as expected.import QtQuick 2.5 import QtQuick.Controls 1.3 Rectangle { width: 400 height: 400 Component{ id: someId Rectangle{ anchors.fill:parent color: '#'+Math.floor(Math.random()*16777215).toString(16); } } TabView { id : mytab anchors.fill: parent } Button { id: btn anchors.bottom: parent.bottom text: "Add new tab" onClicked: { var tab = mytab.addTab(mytab.count+1,someId) mytab.currentIndex = mytab.count-1 console.log(mytab.getTab(mytab.count-1).item.height) } } }
Can you try it ?
Also are you sure you are referring the proper index ? i.e