Exceptions when running "poster" NFC example on Android (Qt 5.6)
Mobile and Embedded
Hi, I'm interested in testing the NFC capabilities of Qt and I'm running the "poster" example on a NFC capable Android device.
When detecting a tag I get an exception:
W/System.err(13495): java.io.IOException W/System.err(13495): at android.nfc.tech.BasicTagTechnology.connect(BasicTagTechnology.java:85) W/System.err(13495): at android.nfc.tech.IsoDep.connect(IsoDep.java:40)
Digging into the BasicTagTechnology.java code I see that it doesn't understand the status code returned when trying to connect with the tag.
I have tried 2 different devices and they both return the same exception.
Anyone been able to get past this? Is this "Android's fault" or does Qt use the API in a wrong manner?