QGraphicsView MacOs retina [Qt5.5]
General and Desktop
Hello everyone
I have a problem with my application and retina screens.
I can't render a pdf at 2x resolution.
My class DOCView is a subclass of QGraphicsViewDOCView::DOCView(QWidget *parent) : QGraphicsView(parent) , plugin(NULL) , scene(new QGraphicsScene(this)) , currPageWebItm(NULL) , currPagePixItm(NULL) , pagePresMode(DOCPagePresentationMode::facing) , pageViewMode(DOCPageViewMode::fit_page) , backgroundColor() , actualZoom(1) , docStruct() , currentPage() , currentPagePair() { QList<int> c; c.append(229); c.append(229); c.append(229); backgroundColor = c; setScene(scene); // triyng to render a scene based on devicePixelRatio (doesn't work) scene->setSceneRect(0, 0, frameSize().width()*devicePixelRatio(), frameSize().height()*devicePixelRatio()); QPixmap pixmap(frameSize().width(), frameSize().height()); pixmap.fill(Qt::white); currPagePixItm = new QGraphicsPixmapItem(pixmap); currPagePixItm->setZValue(0); scene->addItem(currPagePixItm); show(); setRenderHints(QPainter::HighQualityAntialiasing|QPainter::TextAntialiasing); }
And i have a method that select a "plugin" based type (the extension of the file)
bool DOCView::selectPlugin(const QString& _path, const QString& _type) { deletePlugin(); QString sfx = _type == "" ? QFileInfo(_path).suffix().toLower() : _type.toLower(); if (sfx == "pdf") plugin = new PDFPlugin(this); else if (sfx == "swf") plugin = new SWFPlugin(this); else if (sfx == "jpg") plugin = new JPGPlugin(this); else if (sfx == "browser") { plugin = new WEBPlugin(this); } else return false; return true; }
and setPage Mehotd to display the selected page called by PDFPlugin
void DOCView::setPage(QGraphicsWebView *_w) { if (currPageWebItm != NULL) scene->removeItem(currPageWebItm); currPageWebItm = _w; currPageWebItm->setZValue(0); currPageWebItm->setPos(QPoint(0,0)); scene->addItem(currPageWebItm); scene->update(); update(); }
So when i have a pdf file to render, i have an instance of PDFPlugin (we are using PDFTron framework https://www.pdftron.com/ )
PDFPlugin code
PDFPlugin::PDFPlugin(DOCView *_docView) : DOCPlugin(_docView) , pageViewMode(fit_page) , pageViewHint(DOCPageViewHint::none) , pdfDoc(NULL) , pdfView(new pdftron::PDF::PDFView()) , pdfAbsolutePath("") , renderSem() , lastPage(1) , selecting(false) , selectedText("") , selX0(0.0) , selY0(0.0) , selection() , overlay_cnv() , overlay_pos() , overlay_flg() , overlay_pix() { pdfView->SetPagePresentationMode(pdftron::PDF::PDFView::e_facing); pdfView->SetPageViewMode(pdftron::PDF::PDFView::e_fit_page); pdfView->SetPageSpacing(0, 0, 0, 0); pdfView->SetPageBorderVisibility(false); pdfView->OnSize(docView->frameSize().width()*docView->devicePixelRatio(), docView->frameSize().height()*docView->devicePixelRatio()); pdfView->SetAntiAliasing(true); pdfView->SetImageSmoothing(true); pdfView->SetRasterizerType(pdftron::PDF::PDFRasterizer::e_BuiltIn); pdfView->SetTextSelectionMode(pdftron::PDF::PDFView::e_structural); }
I need an idea to solve this problem ...
In the PdfTron documentation page don't talk about hdpi resolution and at the moment we can't migrate to Qt 5.6Thanks in advance