static compile
I created a project in Qt 5.3 that dynamically compiles correctly. Now I want to compile static . I have made all necessary settings , but when I want to compile static the same project an error occur : "Unknown module (s ) in QT : script " . If I create a new project and compile static it works well . What can I do. Thanks.
It sounds like you have
QT += script
in that project?and maybe compiled with
-no-script -
@vicarod said:
Unknown module (s ) in QT : script
Should not come from QtRPT
You can try to make new project and compile. if it works then
QT += script
and see if that is the reason for error.
In that case, for some reason your version of Qt dont have this module. -
says you can build withmake module-qtscript
@mrjj i run "qmake -r ../qt-creator/" from qt-creator-build directory and qt command line for mingw, as in documentation. then i run from the same directory "mingw32-make module-qtscript". error, it says "mingw32-make: *** No rule to make target 'module-qtscript'. Stop.".
I solved the problem. I suppose that the error came from the fact that I change the Qt version (from 5.3 to 5.5) when I compiled static. I reset the original Qt version and it works. But after compilation and creation of the exe file, I must add these dll-s from c:\Qt\5.3\mingw482_32\bin\ : ibstdc++-6.dll, libwinpthread-1.dll,
libgcc_s_dw2-1.dll. Thanks again.