Now that QWebKit has been deprecated, what can i do?
I have used QWebkit in my application for the purpose of taking a snapshot of a website and save it as a picture. It also supported user authentication, so the snapshot to be taken after the login.
Now that QWebKit is deprecated, i have read the QWebEngine is here to replace it, but seems like i cannot include it to at least try and port from QWebKit to QWebEngine because i think i need the Visual Studio version. Something i also read is that i can build QWebKit from source even if it is deprecated. What should i do and how?
Keep in mind i am not any advanced programmer, if someone is to answer please add some additional information.
I am using WIndows 10, Qt Creator 3.6.1 Based on Qt 5.6.0 (MSVC 2013, 32 bit) MinGW
You can use the VisualStudio Community edition. It is free.
Another option is to keep using the version of Qt (including Qt WebKit) that you currently have.