QMAKE_POST_LINK process run
Hi everyone.
I have a project with unit tests (G-test). During building all project (solution), I want to interrupt project build if unit tests failed. How I can achive such behavior?I use START_COMMAND, which is "start /B "
If use QMAKE_POST_LINK += $$START_COMMAND$$DESTDIR/$$TARGET $$PWD/TestFilesit build test, but if it fails, solution build don't stop.
Hi and welcome to devnet,
That's a rather unusual setup. The standard way of developing is to build everything and then run the tests. If you would like to do things more sequentially you should rather have a separated script that builds your various modules one after the other and run the tests after each module build.
As @SGaist said, that's a bit of an unusual pattern, which might indicate that you're going about something in a non-recommended way.
But, if you do really want to break the build if an external command fails, then you need to add an additional qmake target.
For example, here's how I break a build if doxygen fails to generate docs:
TEMPLATE = aux first.commands += doxygen all.dox && doxygen api.dox QMAKE_EXTRA_TARGETS += first
The, my top-level (solution) .pro would look something like:
TEMPLATE = subdirs SUBDIRS += src doc CONFIG += ordered doc.depends = src
Out if curiosity, how are you building your G-test tests? via qmake or some other build tool?
@Paul-Colby said:
Out if curiosity, how are you building your G-test tests? via qmake or some other build tool?
via qmake
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
QApplication a(argc, argv);::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv); //gtest.h function return RUN_ALL_TESTS();
Solution for my problem was find.
I use START_COMMAND, which is "start /b /wait "and added command for process return value
EXIT_RESULT_COMMAND = "EXIT /B %ERRORLEVEL%"use - add to test pro file command
QMAKE_POST_LINK += $START_COMMAND$DESTDIR/$TARGET $PWD/TestFiles & $$EXIT_RESULT_COMMANDThis will fail solution build (root pro file) if one of unit test fails