Problem with BrightnessContrast QML Type
QML and Qt Quick
I would like to implement something which lets user of my program to change brightness and contrast. I tried BrightnessContrast QML Type, but it "covers" places with mouseAreas making them useless. My tree:- Item
- MainScreen (rect)
- RowLayout
- Buttons
- mouseAreas
- Buttons
- BrightnessContrast
When I gave RowLayout bigger z coordinate than BrightnessContrast, buttons were visible but mouseAreas were unable. I tried to put mouseAreas outside RowLayout - I made mouseAreas and BrightnessContrast siblings. Then I tried to manipulate with z coordinate, but mouseAreas are still useless. Could you tell me, why mouseAreas are unable to use? Maybe you have better idea how can I reach what I scheduled? Please help.
- Item
import QtQuick 2.4 import QtQuick.Controls 1.4 import QtQuick.Layouts 1.1 import QtQuick.Extras 1.4 import QtQuick.Window 2.2 import QtQuick.Controls.Styles 1.4 import QtGraphicalEffects 1.0 Item { width: 640 height: 480 id: item property alias text1: text1 property alias mouseArea1: mouseArea1 property alias mouseArea2: mouseArea2 Rectangle { id: okno_glowne color: "#bb8a63" anchors.fill: parent Text { id: text1 x: 499 y: 193 width: 65 height: 42 font.pixelSize: 33 text: "pampam" } } states: [ State { name: "drugi_ekran" PropertyChanges { target: okno_glowne; visible: false } PropertyChanges { target: drugie_okno x: 163 y: 75 opacity: 1 } } ] Rectangle { id: drugie_okno color: "#bb8a63" anchors.fill: parent opacity: 0 } RowLayout { id: rowLayout1 x: 170 y: 322 z:3 width: 300 height: 150 Button { id: button1 text: qsTr("Button") anchors.rightMargin: 150 anchors.fill: parent width: 150 height: 150 z:3 MouseArea { id: mouseArea1 x: 0 y: 0 z:3 anchors.fill: parent width: 150 height: 150 enabled: true visible: true } } Button { id: button2 text: qsTr("Button") anchors.leftMargin: 150 anchors.fill: parent width: 150 height: 150 z:3 MouseArea { id: mouseArea2 x: 0 y: 0 z:3 anchors.fill: parent width: 150 height: 150 enabled: true visible: true } } } BrightnessContrast { id: asd anchors.fill: okno_glowne source: okno_glowne brightness: -0.6 contrast: -0.6 z:0 } }
Do You see any mistakes in the code?