QMenu action triggered and slot
General and Desktop
Hi everyone,
I have created an derived class of QTextedit
class MCTextEdit : public QTextEdit { ... private slots: void replace_Word(QAction* act);
And I created anQMenu and connect it to the slot, like this:
for(int i=0; i<proposalList.count(); i++) { menuSpell->addAction( new QAction(proposalList.at(i), this) ); } connect(menuSpell, SIGNAL(triggered(QAction* )), this, SLOT(replace_Word(QAction* )), Qt::UniqueConnection);
Compilation ok, but when I run the signal/slot conncetion doesn't work:
Object::connect: No such slot QTextEdit::replace_Word(QAction* ) in ...
why this message doesn't say me: No such slot MCTextEdit ::replace_Word ??
You are missing Q_OBJECT macro in your derived class so the base class (most derived QObject with that macro) is looked up for the slot, which it obviously doesn't have.
Each class declaring its own signals or slots needs that macro. -
@Chris-Kawa I suspected this macro! But when I declate it
Ihave an error:error: undefined reference to `vtable for MCTextEdit'
You need to run your class through moc so it may generate the meta object code for your class. If you're using QtCreator then just go to Build -> run qmake, and that should do it.